HelpDesk Answers Program Implementation
5 Keys to Implementing a Successful HDA Program
1. Identify an FPIN Program Coordinator:
The FPIN Program Coordinator is intended to serve as an organizational resource during the process of completing an HDA. This person can be any member of a residency team including a residency coordinator, a PharmD, a behaviorist, an administrative assistant or a faculty member. The coordinator's role is to organize and track HDA sign-ups, ensure completion of required training modules, track manuscript progress and follow up with authors to enforce deadlines, update program profile lists at the beginning of each academic year, and communicate with the HDA Project Manager regarding delays and extension requests.
2. Identify a Local Editor or a Local Editor in Training:
The Local Editor or Local Editor-in-Training should be a faculty who is an experienced author. This person should have several HDA or CI publications listed on his or her CV. The Local Editor's key role is to work with Corresponding Authors at their programs and give feedback so they may submit the best possible first drafts to FPIN for review.
3. Teach Faculty First:
See one, do one, teach one! Successful programs are fully committed to faculty authorship of HDAs before allowing those faculty members to serve as co-authors with residents. Faculty must first master the research and writing skills that are critical to producing a quality HDA before they can serve as a guide for residents who wish to navigate the writing and publication process.
4. Have a Strong Commitment to EBM Curriculum:
Whether your EBM curriculum includes a formal class setting or adopts an opportunistic integrated philosophy, commitment to dissemination of EBM is critical to sustainable HDA writing programs. Research indicates that integration of EBM curriculum with practical applications such as grand rounds, journal club and scholarly activities like HDAs reinforces dissemination of EBM concepts. To support this commitment to EBM curriculum, FPIN provides learning modules through the FPIN Institute as well as in-person workshops.
5. Protect Your Time:
Authors need protected time to work on their HDA project, especially during the initial phases of the writing process. There are several ways to accomplish this. Some faculty co-authors will schedule regular meetings with authors throughout the project. Others will identify a less time-intensive rotation block as the perfect opportunity for starting an HDA. No matter the method, having dedicated time to work on the project ensures a quality experience and product for all involved.