Frank deGruy
Frank deGruy, III, MD, MSFM
- Woodward-Chisholm Professor and Chair
- University of Colorado School of Medicine
- Family Medicine
- The integration of mental healthcare into primary care settings
- Somatization, Depression, other mental disorders as they present in the primary care setting
- President of the North American Primary Care Research Group
- Institute of Medicine
What is it about the FPIN mission that had you want to participate in the organization?
- Breathtaking vision of putting into the hands of clinicians at the point of care answers to important clinical questions
- Creating an army of residents, residency faculty, department faculty, and practicing clinicians that not only are equipped to critically appraise the literature, but who actually do it, do it in such a way that it constitutes a scholarly effort that helps the field practice higher-quality and higher-value healthcare.